Aircraft 54-2057 - F-100C - 25-NA

Query returned 3 record(s)
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1084 Click picture to enlarge Photo Id: 54-2057-desk-model-presentation-e.jpg
Photo contributor: Joe Davidson (142)
Memorial Day, 1957 Open House at George AFB. Note the logo "City of Apple Valley" on the nose of 54-2057. From left to right: Miss Apple Valley, 435th TFS Squadron Commander Lt. Col. James Wilson, me (A/2C Joe Davidson), unknown pilot, and a member of the Apple Valley Chamber of Commerce. The Squadron Commander is shown presenting an F-100C desk model to the pilot.
1319 Click picture to enlarge Photo Id: 54-2057-Jensen-01e.jpg
Photo contributor: Dale Jensen (165)
54-2057was assigned to the 132nd TFW, Iowa ANG at Des Moines. I (Dale Jensen) took the photo of 057 with a Kodak 110 camera in August, 1973, when I was home on leave from the Air Force, between assignments from Forbes AFB to Holloman AFB.
1376 Click picture to enlarge Photo Id: 54-2057-Joe-Davidson-03.jpg
Photo contributor: Joe Davidson (142)
I (Joe Davidson) found this photo of my F-100C 54-2057 and thought I would send you this copy for your website.