Aircraft 55-3771 - F-100D - 30-NA
Query returned 2 record(s)
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Photo Id: 55-3771-scan0013e-Dave-Kelly.jpg
Photo contributor: Dave Kelly (139)
I (Dave Kelly) took this picture of 55-3771 from the backseat of 56-3730 on a low-level navigation ride in March 1977. 55-3771 was assigned to the 178th TFG/ Ohio ANG, Springfield-Beckley Airport.
Note by Brushface: 55-3771 storage 163 IND ANG FE 564 July 79, Mojave drone conversion Sept 88 QF 352 destroyed Tyndall AFB AIM7 Missile 29 May 1992.
Photo Id: 55-3771-scan0018e-Dave-Kelly.jpg
Photo contributor: Dave Kelly (139)
55-3771 was assigned to the 178th TFG Ohio ANG, Springfield-Beckley Airport. 55-3771 was deployed to Tucson, AZ for "Operation Snowbird" in March of 1976.
Note by Brushface: 55-3771 storage 163 IND ANG FE 564 July 79, Mojave drone conversion Sept 88 QF 352 destroyed Tyndall AFB AIM7 Missile 29 May 1992.