Aircraft 56-3187 - F-100D - 75-NA
Query returned 2 record(s)
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Photo Id: 56-3187_2.jpg
Photo contributor: photos PIF (123)
If you have any information about this photo, such as when and where it was taken, by whom it was taken, and what story it might illustrate, please contact me by email. (Select the "Contact me" link on the left side of the home page.)
Please keep in mind that the purpose of this project is to honor the Hun and the people who flew and maintained it. The goal is "100,000 stories and 100,000 pictures." Your personal stories and pictures are critical to the success of this project, so I really need your help.
Photo Id: 56-3187-Phan-Rang-AB-MacAvoy-06e.jpg
Photo contributor: Bob MacAvoy (133)
56-3187, 614th TFS, Phan Rang AB. (Note the pilot quarters in the background.) Survived the war. Was sent to the Davis Monthan Bone Yard in Tucson, AZ. (Photo by Bob MacAvoy.)